Category: CPD sessions
It’s Good To (TED) Talk – guest post
By Alex Warren, National Geographic Learning Teacher Trainer If I told you that TED Talks started in the same year that one pound notes were taken out of circulation, the miners had their strike, Virgin Atlantic had its maiden flight, the first GCSE’s were taken, Band Aid was #1, Michael Jackson released Thriller, and Ghostbusters,…
Teaching Grammar Lexically – reflection
Most of us have at least heard of the Lexical Approach, and most of us would also be hard pushed to give a succinct account of how it can be implemented in the classroom. Having Andrew Walkley, co-author of the Outcomes series, present a brief and practical guide to teaching grammar lexically was not to…
Motivating adults/ Teaching advanced learners
In November 2015 I had the pleasure of attending the Oxford Teachers’ Autumn Seminar, hosted at ELC in Brighton. Around 50 teachers and ELT practitioners attended the event, for which OUP arranged a book display and provided refreshments, and teacher trainer Verissimo Toste was also there to give two short talks. Verissimo’s first talk was on…