Wednesday 24th July 2019

Double-header – EC, Brighton

Pronunciation –  Adam Scott

This session looked at how to incorporate pronunciation into any lesson.

Making use of small texts –  David Byrne and Mark Heffernan

This session aimed to show how very short texts can be used by language students at different levels.

Wed 17th July 2019
Teaching English through story –  Jamie Keddie
BLC,  Brighton

Jamie, who runs lessonstream.org, discussed how to bring ‘story and storytelling to the front of the class’. 

Wednesday 10th July 2019

Double-header – British Study Centres, Hove

Achievable goals –  Jackie Dowling

This session looked at how NLP techniques can be used within the classroom.

Creating materials for the classroom –  David Spillman

This session gave examples of bespoke classroom materials along with some guidelines. 

Wednesday 3rd July 2019

Double-header – Brighton MET

Managing challenging behaviour from YLs –  Oscar de Malplaquet

Oscar discussed why challenging behaviour may occur and offered some tips on dealing with it.

Teaching the extremes –  Stuart Willats

Stuart provided some practical ideas for teaching beginners and advanced learners.

Thursday 27th June 2019
No word is an island –  Alex Warren (NGL)
ELC, Hove

Riffing on John Donne, Alex discussed the teaching on language in chunks.

Wednesday 27th March 2019
Social shorts –  Kieran Donaghy
Brighton MET

Not actually about teachers’ clothing, Kieran of film-english.com considered how to use short films to raise awareness of social issues.